The African Biomedical Engineering Consortium (ABEC)

Discover how we're revolutionizing healthcare across Africa through cutting-edge technology, innovative solutions, and collaborative partnerships. Join us in shaping the future of biomedical engineering and improving healthcare outcomes for all.

What must you know about ABEC membership and Annual subscription?

ABEC membership is open to both Individuals and Institutions.

ABEC membership is open to African academic, research and industrial institutes, organizations, companies and individuals, but also to Non-African Institutions who share the interests of ABEC.

ABEC membership can be at the whole Institutional or Department or Faculty level.

A person in an Institution can and is required to independently apply for ABEC membership irrespective of their Institution’s membership status on ABEC.

Institutional representatives in ABEC are responsible for following up and ensuring their Institutional membership and Annual Subscriptions are up-to-date, but also to encourage students, faculty and co-workers to become members.

ABEC members within a country will be included in the ABEC Country Chapters which are the country-level coordination units of ABEC

Categories of Members and their privileges

Ordinary members

All who apply to join the company and are accepted by the core members. Have voting rights and may resign or be removed any time for any justifiable reason by the core member.

Associate members

Natural and legal persons admitted as such under this category and shall have only the right to attend meetings and any other rights as may be conferred by the operating procedures None voting in GA but only participate in advisory capacity. pay reduced membership fee as may be determined by the GA

Core members

Founding members and signatories to the memorandum and articles of association + those designated as such by the consensus of the founding members. Not subject to removal Appoint Directors Founding Members select the Chairman who chairs the General Assembly and Board of Directors.

Honorary members

Names shall be submitted to the BoD for presenting to the GA for approval. Outstanding individuals whose qualifications, literary works and accomplishments in the field of Biomedical Engineering and innovation have been internationally recognized. No voting rights. Can attend GA if asked. Can serve a scientific advisory function. No membership fees required but could voluntarily contribute to the consortium fund.

Institutional members

E.g universities, industries, research centres or associations. Admitted upon request in writing addressed to the board of directors only if they demonstrate alliance with the objectives. subject to admission procedures. Represented by a natural person nominated by the institution and have a single vote in the GA Subject to payment of annual membership fees

Membership fees

Membership fees which are paid once in a lifetime and annual subscription fees are determined by the board of directors and approved by the general assembly. At the time of Joining ABEC both membership and Annual subscription fees must be paid (Except for students) and a certificate of membership (electronic certificate) given by the ABEC Administration.

  • Fees for an Individual joining ABEC: 

    • Student:  

  • Membership:  FREE

  •  Annual subscription fees: FREE for the first 2 years of joining ABEC. To pay 10 USD starting from the 3rd year of membership.

  • Non-student:  

  • Membership:   20 USD (one-time)

  • Annual subscription: 10 USD 

  • Fees for an Institution or company or Business:

  • Membership:   300 USD (one-time)

  • Annual subscription: 100 USD


Benefits for ABEC Members

  • Publicity of one’s profile and work

  • Career and professional development

  • Vast professional networking opportunities

  • Employment opportunities 

  • Prestige

  • Subsidized costs on conference registration fees

  • Free access to some ABEC resources

  • Easy access to potential collaborators

  • Ease of being recognized by potential funders

  • Subsidies on advertising services, products and opportunities to the target Audience of ABEC (this is so for Entrepreneurs, Universities, companies, funders etc) through ABEC platforms, newsletter and Africa BME magazine. 

  • Experience of multi-country and multi-disciplinary collaboration

  • Certificate of membership

  • Electronic version of the ABEC Newsletter


What ABEC does to ensure wide involvement of its members?

To encourage participation of members, ABEC utilizes its annual meeting of the General Assembly as a platform for dissemination of the Consortium’s achievements, challenges and strategic plan for input from members. Members are given the opportunity to discuss the Consortium progress, direction and contribute to the strategic plan.

ABEC members have the opportunity to participate in the activities of different Directorates. Each member is encouraged to join one of the Working groups that are formed under each Directorate to participate actively in the activities of the consortium centrally or at regional or country level.

All members are required to identify and recommend potential Institutions, companies, and individuals for membership and participation in ABEC.

All members play a role of sharing funding and publicity opportunities that meet the interest of ABEC.

As a way of feedback, ABEC secretariat generates a quarterly newsletter that will be shared with the Consortium members with snapshots of what has transpired during the quarter.