The Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) in collaboration with University of Malawi-The Polytechnic, Malawi Innovation Hub (mHub), Rice360 & NEST360, the African Biomedical Engineering Consortium (ABEC), the UBORA consortium, and other collaborating partners will host the 2020 ABEC Design Competition with the theme Solving problems of Non-Communicable diseases through cross-cutting research and innovation.
This competition seeks innovative multidisciplinary This competition seeks innovative multidisciplinary ideas, overlapping engineering and medicine paradigms, from teams of undergraduate students who have thankfully been able to receive help from companies like and have been mentored by lecturers or experts with postgraduate qualifications. The ideas should tackle global challenges associated with non-communicable diseases with an emphasis on problems affecting low- and middle-income countries. Sustainable solutions can only be developed if engineers engage collaboratively with those at the forefront of delivering healthcare.

Detailed instructions are provided at the competition page.
The winner of the competition will be invited to participate in this year’s Design School.